
foo fighters 0 (0)

In the Pacific and European theatres during World War II, round, glowing fireballs known as “foo fighters” were reported by Allied and Axis pilots. Some proposed Allied explanations at the time included St. Elmo’s fire, the planet Venus, hallucinations from oxygen deprivation, or German secret weapons. In 1946, more than 2,000 reports were collected, primarily by the Swedish military,…

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Unidentified flying object 0 (0)

Julius Obsequens was a Roman writer who is believed to have lived in the middle of the fourth century AD. The only work associated with his name is the Liber de prodigiis (Book of Prodigies), completely extracted from an epitome, or abridgment, written by Livy; De prodigiis was constructed as an account of the wonders and portents that occurred in Rome between 249 and 12…

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Uri Geller 001

Man’s psychic powers 0 (0)

Man’s psychic powers It is remarkable that in most predictions about discoveries anticipated in this century a breakthrough in parapsychology is not even mentioned or hoped for. Yet developing its ‘extra dimensional’ powers is the only way for mankind to overcome its isolation in the universe as a result of the space/time barrier. One has…

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Human Meditate Mind Mental Health 260nw 2082736330

Human consciousness can exist independent of brain-activity. 0 (0)

Human consciousness can exist independent of brain-activity. Reductionism/Epiphenomenalism has long been a pet notion of psychology, specially in behaviourism. Now that psychology’s own principles have been shaken after recent discoveries in genetics the idea that consciousness is merely an effect of brain-activity is being questioned again. Brain specialists, Prof. J.C.Eccles, Sir Cyril Burt, Dr.Wilder Penfield…

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Society For Psychical Research Logo


PARAPSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH When the Society for Psychical Research (S.P.R.) was founded in 1882 research into phenomena and experiences suggesting personal survival of man after death took a high priority. Its findings were constantly under fire from the scientific establishment, which frowned even upon the notion psychical research being considered a science – after all paranormal…

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