12669c5b5f2351713a6468b68bb981335c 22 Ask A Boss Informational Interview 2.rsquare.w700

Interview Questions 5 (2)

Interview Questions  1.Address of site: _____________________________________________________________________ 2.How many occupants at location: _____________________________________________________________________ 3.Occupants names and ages: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Occupants occupations: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Occupants religious beliefs: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.Time of occupancy at the location: _____________________________________________________________________ 7.Age of the site: _____________________________________________________________________ 8.How many previous owners: _____________________________________________________________________ 9.History of site: (tragedies, deaths, previous complaints) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.How many rooms in the site:…

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Pl Screenghosthunters F

Standards & Protocols 0 (0)

Standards & Protocols are guidelines that ensure professionalism on a ghost hunting adventure. We strongly encourage you to follow them. Ask the spirits/ghosts for permission to take their photos. No smoking during an investigation. No alcohol, drugs before, during an investigation. No Ouija boards or séances. Always conduct your investigations in a professional manner. Respect…

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Ghost Hunting Hallway

Ghost Hunting Definitions 0 (0)

Ghost Hunting Definitions Apparition- an image with distinct features that enables one to recognize it as a person or specific object.  Typically associated with residual hauntings. Banshee- Death omen spirit of Ireland that manifests to herald an approaching death.  Heard wailing or singing mournfully.  Contrary to popular belief, banshees do not shriek. Battlefield Ghosts- places…

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1200px John Henry Fuseli The Nightmarefxd


WHAT IS SLEEP PARALYSIS? by slinkii@theshadowlands.net Article courtesy of South Jersey Ghost Rsearch Sleep paralysis, also known as Old Hag, is a phenomenon that is known, to some extent, by all cultures throughout the world. Some people say attacking aliens are the cause of sleep paralysis, while others credit the “Devil” himself and/or his minions, and if…

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Shutterstock Seance 0


COMMUNICATING WITH GHOSTS by Tina Carlson – tinacarlson@theshadowlands.net Article courtesy of South Jersey Ghost Rsearch A question that often is asked in Shadowlands email is “How Do I Talk to Ghost? I want to contact them.” I usually advise waiting until a ghost contacts you. There are several ways that a ghost will do this. Through our…

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