Proposal for Permission to Conduct a Field Investigation

Haunted Houses Hero V1222x580

Proposal for Permission to Conduct a Field Investigation


ANY Cemetery & Crematorium or place



Tuesday, February 22, 2004


To Whom It May Concern:


I represent a small group of student researchers, in the field of paranormal studies.


As part of our ongoing education, we must coordinate our research efforts on historical sites, including cemeteries, churches, parklands, etc.


We seek permission for the three of us to have access for 1 (ONE) evening, preferably this week sometime, it would be after regular gate hours, for a duration of 3 hours, from 8pm until 11pm, in order to conduct the following field investigation:


  1. Photography, standard and infrared, 3 rolls (24 exposures per roll), for location verification
  2. A small tape recording unit, for documentation of our efforts
  3. A few other tools, such as flashlights (for obvious reasons), compass, candles for emerg. light source, and spare film, batteries and tapes, as backup, and a small hand-held electric field sensing device, as well as a notebook to record the steps as we go through them.


We expect this to be a dry run for future coordination of professional research, upon earning our certification. It will also establish base readings so that we may more ably gauge when future readings are anomalous.


Our research is dependent on clear weather, and will have to be postponed if fog, rain, high winds, snow or other inclement weather occurs on the set date and time. We will notify you of any cancellation, and if there is a need to reschedule, your permission will again be sought.


We understand, and fully respect that we will be on private property at all times, and all due consideration will be given, so that no damage come to any burial sites, mementos, or any part of your property.   If through accident, or neglect on our part we do cause damage, we will repay your organization in full for the cost of repairing it.


We each have the utmost respect for all those who have a loved one buried here, and solemnly promise there will be no intoxicant consumption, horseplay, or any other disagreeable conduct, just the research as mentioned above will be done, for the duration permitted, and on the agreed site(s).


We will also notify the appropriate division of Metro Police of the date and time of our study, so that there won’t be a false alarm.


We agree that we undertake this research at our own risk, and understand that your organization is not responsible for any injury or damage to the students or their instruments, while on your property.


We agree to conduct the entire study out of view of passerby, and the general public, so as not to arouse their interest.


We ask that if you give your permission, please leave a current copy of your property’s map with the caretaker, so that we can accurately make our way to our location, with no needless walking around.


Please give us your consideration, in this matter, if you require any other conditions to be met, we will accommodate them into our proposal, and sign to it. The other two students will disclose their names and contact information, and sign to your terms as well, on the date of the study. We will also provide ID, if requested.


Yours truly,


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