Wilkins Saucers

Flying Saucers Uncensored by Harold T. Wilkins 3 (2)

Longtime UK journalist was a walking exemplar of human gullibility. He is the most unreliable of unreliable narrators. There is no seed of possibility from which he cannot grow kudzu-like growths of ergo propter hoc. His first books were straightforward; Mysteries of the Great War is an excellent anecdotal account which includes unsettling information including information that Paths of…

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Forbidden City, China 0 (0)

The beautiful, sprawling Forbidden City in Beijing—made up of 980 buildings on 180 acres—is one of China’s best-known landmarks. Many true ghost stories have also come from within its walls. From the 15th century through the early 20th century, the Chinese emperor lived there, but now it’s rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of…

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04 7

Kisiljevo, Serbia 0 (0)

This remote village is home to less than 800 inhabitants—and one spooky vampire story. In 1725, a resident named Petar Plogojowitz passed away, and in the next eight days, nine deaths occurred. The nine who died had said on their deathbeds that they had been throttled—by Plogojowitz’s corpse. Priests and officials flocked to Kisiljevo to investigate,…

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Manchac Swamp 0 (0)

According to local legend, Julia Brown, a practicing voodoo priestess, used to sit on her front porch near the Machac Swamp and sing, “One day I’m gonna die, and I’m gonna take all of you with me,” reports MentalFloss.com. That curse turned out to be true: On the day of Brown’s funeral in 1915, a category 4 hurricane…

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Holding Your Breath 0 (0)

When passing graveyards, children in North America, Europe and other parts of the world, held their breath for fear they’d breathe in the souls of the recently deceased. British and French persons held the common belief that the keeper of the graveyard was the soul of the last person buried in it. It was this…

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