From Outer Space to You by Howard Menger


In 1932, at age ten, Menger writes that he met his first alien; a beautiful blonde Space Sister in the traditional long white gown, who told him he would be meeting space people throughout his life. He said he did; that at various times they flew him to the moon, landed in his back yard in New Jersey, let him cut their hair, allowed him to hold a “moon potato.” In 1956, he met Connie Weber; he perceived her to be the reincarnation of the Space Sister he’d met long before, and they ran off together.

His book appeared in 1959, where he passes along valuable information from the Space Brothers, such as the fact that graham flour is good for you. The same year, Connie released her own book, My Saturnian Lover, and Howard cut an album of piano music written by the Space People. (Available on YouTube.)

And they had two children and were married over fifty years, a normal American life in the midst of sheer surreality.

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