Are ghosts real?

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I’m certain that prehistoric humans would have asked themselves that same question; “Are ghosts real?” I’m also certain they would have been in complete awe at this life-force that animated not only them, their fellow humans, but even the animals that wandered within their midst.

Grave sites have been found in Iraq, Croatia and Israel that are believed to be at least 60,000 years old, and perhaps as much as 100,000 years. I sincerely believe that these primitive humans would not have bothered burying their clan and family members with items, trinkets and talismans that they believed would be needed by the dead in their next life, unless they had some belief system on the continuation of this life-force, and of an afterlife. I also believe they wondered where that life-force went, when they did encounter, the death of one of their fellow humans.

A former skeptic

I originally opened this website back in October of 2009 under a different domain name. Before then, I would have to admit that I was a hard core skeptic when it came to the idea of ghosts, haunting’s and the paranormal. I only believed in ghosts, as something for Hollywood movies or TV programs, or those of us who are so afraid of death and dying that we need the hopes of an afterlife. But after some unexplainable events happened to myself, in my own home, events that some might consider paranormal, which I mention elsewhere in this website. I had no choice but to open my mind a bit and concede, that perhaps there was something to the paranormal and that ghosts and haunting’ might just be real. I would not say I was a believer at that time and I still had some doubts and reservations. I believed that most, if not all of these events could be explained by natural events and phenomena.

I would say that I sat right on the middle of that proverbial fence with my beliefs about ghosts. I sat there until I became interested in EVP or electronic voice phenomenon. I watched a few of the TV shows about ghost hunting, but was not very impressed with any of the EVP that they presented as evidence of the reality of ghosts. I did not necessarily believe that these programs were faked or hoaxed, but I was skeptical of their EVP and thought most of it was just random sounds or noises that sounded like words, it’s a mental phenomena referred to as auditory pareidolia.

After becoming interested in EVP, I went out and bought myself a digital voice recorder and felt compelled to attempt a few EVP sessions of my own, in my own home. The reasoning behind doing this, was with the hopes that I would either dismiss this phenomena as a simple misinterpretation of the background static, noise and hiss, or I would convince myself of the reality of EVP as something paranormal and perhaps even evidence for the existence of ghosts. After doing a few dozen EVP sessions of my own, in my own home, I have come to the conclusion that there is something paranormal going on, something that I cannot explain. After doing just this small amount of research there are a few things I can say with absolute confidence.

I absolutely DO NOT believe EVP are stray radio frequencies as some skeptics and scientists like to assert. I say this because stray radio frequencies would not respond to direct enquiries.
I also DO NOT believe they are fragments of cell phone or CB radio conversations for the same reason.
I can also state that some may, in fact, be auditory pareidolia, but I also believe that most are definitely words and/or phrases being articulated in some manner and sometimes these voices seem to respond to direct enquiries. What the manner of articulation is I cannot say simply because I don’t know.
I can also state with absolute certainty that NONE and I do repeat NONE of the EVP samples provided by myself on this website are faked or hoaxed in anyway.
I am not going to sit here and say that these voices are ghosts, spirits or any other paranormal type phenomena, but I absolutely do believe they are paranormal in origin.
Does this mean that I now believe that ghosts are real? Not necessarily! I cannot say with absolute confidence that ghosts are real, no one can! But I do admit that EVP has changed my perspective from that of a closed minded skeptic to that of an open minded skeptic and lastly to one who now believes there most likely is something to the paranormal, and ghosts most probably do exist.

Science and the paranormal

Most main stream scientists, are rather skeptical when it comes to the paranormal and especially to the idea of ghosts and haunting’s. Many of these scientists have a tendency to dismiss anything that can’t be verified under laboratory conditions using scientific methodology. Their attitude seems to be, if they can’t see it, measure it or quantify it under laboratory conditions then it just doesn’t exist. But just because ghosts, spirits or some other paranormal phenomena, can’t or possibly won’t be quantified and verified in a laboratory does not mean that it isn’t real. These same scientists, who dismiss as bunk the possible existence of ghosts and the paranormal, can not even satisfactorily explain the nature of consciousness or of reality itself. Although there are a few scientists, most notably Sir Roger Penrose and Dr. Stuart Hameroff who have proposed a theory of what they call Quantum mind or Quantum consciousness. This theory is way beyond my feeble ability to comprehend or explain, therefore if you wish more information click on the above link, it’s interesting.

I’ve watched programs on the “Discovery Science Channel” about the universe, black holes and other space phenomena. The astrophysicists and scientists who narrate these programs talk of string theory and how there may be 10 or perhaps even 11 spatial dimensions. And some of these scientists even state there may be an infinite number of universes. They also talk of dark matter and dark energy, but can’t even prove to themselves that this stuff exists. And what I find absolutely amazing is that these same scientists, who believe in these unproven and bizarre theories, will often dismiss the possible existence of ghosts, the supernatural and the paranormal. I believe it famed astronomer “Carl Sagan” who coined the term “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. Well, I’d like to ask, where is the evidence or proof that these scientific theories are anymore valid then the theories of the paranormal. Scientists most often rely upon mathematics to prove and validate their theories, but the mathematics they rely upon is only as good as mathematicians who may have created the equations. And if there is an error in their logic, then there is also an error in the subsequent equation. And even they admit that their theories will sometimes contradict each other, and they have yet to come up with their so called theory of everything.

I sincerely believe that the scientists, who ridicule those who do believe in the paranormal, should step back for a few moments and take a look at the history of science itself. It was less than a century ago, when it was considered science fiction to believe that one day; humans might walk upon the face of the moon. And there have been other strides in science, that at earlier times were believed to be impossible.

I sincerely believe that no one, and especially those with a scientific background should ridicule the believers in the paranormal, ghosts and haunting’s, until they, the scientists can come up with conclusive and verifiable proof that such things are not real! However, that being said, I do believe that the burden of proof does lie upon the believers, not the skeptics. But to belittle and ridicule anybody for their beliefs, is, in my opinion, just not right.

Scientists have the attitude that everything in our universe can be broken down, understood and explained through science and the scientific method. Perhaps they’re right, but there is always the possibility that there just may be some things that are beyond the scope of normal human and perhaps even scientific understanding. Therefore, I believe that everyone should maintain an open and curious mind, and not attempt to negate or invalidate the beliefs of others.

Suggested reading
If you are a ghost hunter or just a paranormal enthusiast there is an outstanding book that I think everyone in the paranormal world should check out. That book is The Yoga of ghost hunting by Richard Salva. It offers some excellent tips and tricks that can help keep the ghost hunter/paranormal researcher safe and well grounded.

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