
Hauntings 0 (0)

According to the definition, a haunting is the repeated manifestation of strange and inexplicable sensory phenomena at a certain location. Hauntings have no general patterns, which is what makes them so hard to define. Some phenomena may manifest on occasion, or even continually, for periods that last from several days to centuries. Other manifestations may occur only…

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Hd Wallpaper Demon Train Platform Faces Train Emons (1)

Subway Man 3 (1)

The Subway Man was an entity seen in the subways of Manhattan, New York on October 1, 1999. The witness was ascending the escalator at Penn Station and had reached street level when she noticed standing about 20 feet away, what seemed to be a male figure about 6-feet, 7 inches tall. He stood near the mouth…

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Inside Out House


The Inside-Out House has traveled across the country and still stands with test of time. Built in 1873 in Boston, the Inside-Out House was once the home to retired sea captain, Captain W. Pierce. This house is one of the first prefabricated houses in the US. It was shipped to Florida and reassembled in Altamonte Springs where…

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