EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon)

How To Use The Evp Recorder

EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon). This is the recording of ghostly voices on audio tape and other audio recording devices. EVP recordings are heard under the white noise, that static, fuzzy noise you get when you are between radio stations or when playing back a blank tape. These voices can be fuzzy and hard to hear, and others can be more obvious and easy to understand. There are some EVP recordings that don’t make any sense and others sometimes speak directly to the people doing the recordings and are able to reveal personal and private information and answer researchers’ questions. These recordings are not very long and often spirits use bad grammar, but then again, so do a lot of living people. Animal sounds have been found on EVP recordings as well. EVP can only be heard on the playback of the tape and not while the recording is taking place. Just like how pictures reveal paranormal things to us that are eyes could not pick up, an audio recorder can do the same for paranormal sounds.

When attempting to do your own EVP recording remember to always use fresh, brand new tapes to avoid any old recordings to bleed through to the tape and be misinterpreted to be something it isn’t. Also, when doing an EVP recording avoid any background noises and only talk when you are asking the questions you hope to have answered by the spirits. You should also consider using an external microphone with your audio recorder. This will also help prevent any internal noise from the recorder you don’t want on the recording. Night is probably the best time to do an EVP recording. Since most people sleep at night there is less broadcasting going on. The most serious EVP researchers will use the highest quality of tape, sensitive microphones, and amplifiers to increase the quality of the recording.

Using audio tape to get messages from the deceased is the first in which true technology was used in spirit communication. The idea began with Thomas Edison in the early 20th century but was not taken seriously until a man named Friedrich Jurgenson in 1959 found a voice on a tape he had used to record bird songs. He then began to make recordings in quiet settings in hopes of capturing more voices. He was successful. There were more voices on other recordings with new, specific information on him and informed Jurgenson how to perform further EVP recordings. After five years of EVP study He wrote a couple of books called Voices from the Universe, and Breakthrough.

Recording EVP is not a perfect science. For one thing, all kinds of electronic equipment can obtain radio signals and no matter how much you try to filter these signals out, this possibility will exist. Also, there is so much static and white noise that it is extremely difficult to make out the messages. Skeptics say it’s just electronic malfunctions creating the so called ghost messages. Other skeptics believe the voices are made on the tape by psychokinesis of the person recording. He or she will want to hear the voices so bad that they will in fact create them themselves.

Classifications of EVP recordings

EVP Class A Recordings – Class A recordings are very clear and easy to understand. These recordings can be heard without needing to use headphones and just about everyone that hears it will be able to agree on the message they are hearing. These are the most rare types of EVP but can also the most exciting. Finding class A recordings make all the hours of recording static worth your time.

EVP Class B Recordings – Class B recordings are of a decent volume, but not as loud as a class A. The clarity of the message is not to as easy to understand unless you have had experience in the field for some time. If the average person is told what they are going to hear before they listen to the EVP, they will probably be able to hear the message. Most of these recordings will require the use of headphones, but not all of them will.

EVP Class C Recordings – Class C recordings are the most common type of EVP found. They are very low in volume and quality. They are very hard to understand and many will argue on what is actually being heard on the tape. I would like to comment however, that if you feel confident that you have recorded an EVP of any class you should keep in and make a record of where and when it was made for future reference. You may find it useful if you conduct another investigation in that some location someday.

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