Tr385 2018

Ectoplasm 4 (1)

Ectoplasm – A strange, mystical material that flows out of any orifice and opening of a mediums body during a seance. This paranormal substance would sometimes take the shapes of faces, limbs, or even an entire figure but could not materialize until it had come out of the body of the medium. The typical color…

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Bravosmokes Fb

Bravo Smokes 0 (0)

Bravo Smokes were a nicotine-free cigarette — made out of cured lettuce leaves. They were invented by the chemist Puzant Torigian, who determined that lettuce leaves were the best tobacco substitute, after he also tested kale, grape, cabbage, kohlrabi, spinach, carrot, peanut, tomato leaves, and sugar beet tops. Bravo Smokes went on the market in…

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