The ghost of Anne Baxter’s husband, actor John Hodiak, haunts their charming hillside house. Agent Hal Gefsky, who lived in the house in the 1970’s, says guests saw Hodiak’s specter hovering outside a second floor window. Gefsky even received phone calls from the ghost, but all the actor could manage was a faint “hello”. The house is now a private residence near west Beverly Hills at 8650 Pinetree Place, Los Angeles, CA, 90070. Several tenants of a house on Bowman Drive have reported unexplainable events occurring in the upstairs bedrooms. Beds are messed up, pillows cut open, and the impression of a body forms on unoccupied mattresses. The entity causing the disturbances has never been identified. The house is a private residence at 2320 Bowman Drive, Beverly Hills, CA, 90212.
science to the paranormal