Spectrum of Innovation – Paranormal Activity Riverside County

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There is no shortage of actual accounts of ghostly encounters stories in Riverside County. Here are some links to explore – are you a believer or a skeptic? You can tour the Winchester, CA, Patterson House (link https://winchestercahistory.homestead… ), go book shopping in Riverside at Downtowne Booksore (link https://www.facebook.com/Downtowne-Bo…) or check in to a room in Old Town Temecula at the Palomar Hotel (http://palomarinntemecula.com/) or maybe the most haunted Mission Inn (link www.missioninn.com) is your style to meet an old spirit. For more about paranormal investigations contact CalParra https://calpara.org/

More spookiness: EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) of a child laughing at Downtowne Bookstore https://youtu.be/D5SLQa7TC7w Thank you Craig Owens – for more of Craig’s finds visit: https://bizarrela.com/craig-owens/ Orbs seen at the Patterson House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auWyr… for more behind the scenes footage visit our website: https://spectrumofinnovation.org

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