Riv Mons

Riverside Monster Description: Tall lanky creature with claws and glowing green eyes often covered in leaves or having scales that look lke leaves. 0 (0)

Riverside Monster Description: Tall lanky creature with claws and glowing green eyes often covered in leaves or having scales that look lke leaves. Thought to be a subspecies or a lost specimen of the Lizard People of Los Angeles, California. Location/Range: Riverside, California, particularly the Main Street Bridge by the Santa Ana River. Sightings: First…

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Sea Bishop Monster Omnium Fer Hi

Sea Monk 0 (0)

he Sea Monk, or sometimes Sea Bishop, was the name given to a sea animal found off the eastern coast of the Danish island of Zealand in 1546. It has also been sighted by two fishermen and some nearby swimmers in Pula, Croatia in the year 2011 and is one of the more popular sightings of the cryptid in…

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Fresno Nightcrawler 5 (1)

The Fresno nightcrawler, also known as the Fresno alien, is a cryptid that has made two appearances so far, one in Fresno, California and the other in Yosemite National Park, also in California. In both sightings, it’s only seen in video footage. However, a man in Poland has also claimed to have seen the creature. Sightings The Carmel Area Creature The…

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