Fresno Nightcrawler


The Fresno nightcrawler, also known as the Fresno alien, is a cryptid that has made two appearances so far, one in Fresno, California and the other in Yosemite National Park, also in California. In both sightings, it’s only seen in video footage. However, a man in Poland has also claimed to have seen the creature.


The Carmel Area Creature

The witness, a 60-year-old former marine yet to be named and his wife were driving near Carmel on December 12, 2014, when they came up over a hill and saw a 7′ tall slender, gray creature which is now known as the Carmel Area Creature.

The unnamed witness said the following:

“We recently bought a place in the Fort Hill area (in southeast Highland County). We first noticed after about 30 days of living here that we suddenly have a perfect circle that stays fresh green, no matter what weather, in our front yard. On Friday night (the 12th), we were driving home. After turning on Carmel Road, which leads to our road, we went around the curve by the Carmel church and then up a small incline and approximately 10 feet over the incline and in front of our truck, the ‘alien’ ran across the road and into the woods.”

There have been many possible sightings of the Nightcrawler in the form of the Carmel area creature, a thin, armless, pale white humanoid creature seen in Ohio.


The creature has also been spotted in Yosemite where footage was again taken from what appears to be another security camera. This time there are two creatures, one being very small (less than .5 meters), and the feet of the creatures can be clearly seen. As well as what appears to be some sort of webbing connected from the knees to the upper body on at least.

The cryptid has also been videotaped in Poland, this time from what appears to be a handheld camera judging from the shakiness of the footage. The creature can not be seen for too long but appears to have similar traits to the larger one taped in Yosemite.

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