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Leap Castle, Ireland

To experience a real castle, you’ve got to go to Europe. Leap Castle in Ireland is one of those real castles. Its haunting history almost precedes its reputation. Leap Castle – pronounced “lep” – is the most haunted castle in the world and one of Ireland’s most haunted places to go. Built over the top…

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Isla de las Muñecas, Mexico

Is there anything creepier than dolls? How about disused dolls that hang from trees a metro ride away from Mexico City? This disturbing island, Island of the Dolls, actually has a point. Xochimilco, in Mexico City’s suburbs, was once a center of agriculture. According to legend, a young girl drowned in the lake that the…

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Myrtles Plantation, Louisiana

You might have heard of the Myrtles Plantation before, especially if you love haunted locations. All the greatest paranormal television series have covered this historic antebellum plantation from Ghost Hunters to Ghost Adventures. It ghosts have also been caught on camera, with the most famous photograph being of a slave girl named Chloe. Myrtles has a sordid history,…

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